Sep 2010 IDD International Day of the Deaf celebrations

Usual gathering
IDD sale
7.30am - 1pm

We'll be at IHM (Church of Immaculate Heart of Mary) to join our SCDC-IHM group for their IDD Sale from 8am and IHM's 11am Mass

Please join us in celebrating this joyous event!

Monday, August 08, 2005


T'was one hot and sunny afternoon as some of the students from Friar Rowland's Sign Class and SMCD members gathered for BBQ (barbeque). Too bad Trix (Friar's Rowland beagle) was spared..LOL!!! naaw..he's a good doggie ;)

Friar Rowland took some time to get the grill all fried up. Thank God we had help from Friars Derrick and Joe Nathan. Most of us lent a helping hand while yours truly, the roving reporter, held Trix and his leash in one hand while the other with the handphone taking candid shots with my handphone.

Here's a tongue twister for you :
Friar Fried Fryer Fried Flyed Fried Friar Fried
(Friar heated the frill, the grill heated, he fried the food and "flew" to the fried food and of course, he got "fried" by the grill standing there so long)

While the guys , a bevy of ladies prepared the salad in the kitchen. I had a hard time restraining Trix..

God Creates food to be eaten, not to look at..duh-uh ;p